2025年2月15日影片预告:Mytheresa爆买战利品开箱📦明星走红毯超爱的珠宝💋换季也时尚➡️toteme新款皮草太绝了🔥度假party小投入变大咖气场❗️时髦不设限 maxmara ysl chloe burberry
⌛️ 00:00 開場白 mytheresa作為全球奢侈品炙手可熱的企業,他們會從各大秀場,比如倫敦,巴黎,紐約等自己選品,每季還會和一線奢侈品牌或者設計師推出全球獨家專屬的膠囊系列,時尚又很獨一無二,有興趣的朋友很值得一逛。 還有中文,法語,西班牙語等母語頁面,24小時服務。mytheresa全球出貨,網站上的價格已經是含稅價啦。 🌟🌟🌟官網連結 https://rsme.plus/uy25AJ 🌟🌟🌟摺上摺區域 https://rsme.plus/8HCZXZ
⌛️ 01:58 Sydney Evan匹克球項鍊 & 摩根石蛤利貝殼項鍊 ➡️匹克球主題項鍊 18K金➕鑽石,象徵活力和激情,競技運動員可佩戴,吊墜和鍊子可取,自己DIY空間很大,疊戴也很貌美 https://rsme.plus/fcsed9 ➡️彩色摩根石蛤利貝殼項鍊 貝殼部分是18K金➕鑽石,摩根石被稱為心輪之石,能夠招財和增強正能量。冥想、瑜珈、能量療癒愛好者特別喜愛。作為日常配戴,搭配職業裝、晚禮服、日常簡約穿搭,優雅不過於浮誇。 https://rsme.plus/YH6JdT
⌛️ 04:21 SAINT LAURENT YSL墨鏡 黑金 氣場全開的一款墨鏡,100%預防UVA和UVB,紫色鏡片,防護等級3,方圓臉戴起來顯臉小 https://rsme.plus/zM2Ep7 ⌛️ 05:22 Chloe手鐲2件套裝 可以單戴,也可以一起配戴。做工很細緻,邊緣打磨很絲滑,夏天度假很有風情 https://rsme.plus/zHKJTh
⌛️ 05:55 Chloe帆布拼皮撞色手提袋 中號 棕色部分採用小牛皮,帆布質感厚實又硬挺。底部棕色部分可以額外串上袋子,東西多又重的時候可以加繩子。包包不用裝任何東西,筋骨感都超強,度假拍片很有氣氛感。 https://rsme.plus/B9weTC
⌛️ 07:05 Toteme小牛毛皮帶 我入的70cm 正面小牛毛的毛流感和皮草的光澤豐盈度超級強,背面全牛皮,口頭金色的,性價比超高的一條皮帶,一年四季都很適配 https://rsme.plus/PpzKNK
⌛️ 08:10 Toteme小牛毛手袋 可以手提,單肩和斜挎,裡面也是全皮的。小牛毛的皮草感自帶低調又很奢華的氣場。我穿裙子搭配的時候也不會壓身高,一年四季的適配度超高,和麂皮外套簡直絕配!搭配大衣就更絕了!價格和toteme常規包款一樣,膠囊衣櫃的必備款 https://rsme.plus/W6SaW7
⌛️ 09:33 SAINT LAURENT YSL荔枝皮皮夾 附鏈條 黑金 可以做腋下背,斜挎,單肩,手拿。裡面容量很大。我在搭配的時候,很意外發現ysl包包和有異國風情的裙子堪稱絕配,度假和party很lady又很法式優雅有風情 https://rsme.plus/UYU42F
⌛️ 10:59 Maxmara縐紗寬褲 顏色Cacha 我入的XS 免燙,垂墜感很強,前後褲子中間破縫加固後,整體的範可以取代西裝褲,穿起來又顯高又顯瘦,而且透氣性很好,顯臀翹。搭配精奢風和老錢風首選,有loro piana的精髓,平替款 https://rsme.plus/S5DJpG
⌛️ 11:31 Burberry經典格紋棉襯衫 我拿去的大一號XS 無性別款,男女皆可。日常我主要敞開穿,夏季放車裡或空調房保暖用。扣上貼身穿建議選日常合身的尺寸。剪裁很棒,領口處很硬挺,整體挺括感很強,超顯背薄。很顯老錢的襯衣 https://rsme.plus/uMVnFS
Timeline Overview
⌛️ 00:00 Introduction
Mytheresa is a globally sought-after luxury retailer that handpicks selections from major fashion shows in London, Paris, and New York. Each season, they collaborate with top luxury brands or designers to launch exclusive capsule collections, offering a unique and fashionable shopping experience. The site supports multiple languages, including Chinese, French, and Spanish, with 24-hour customer service. Mytheresa ships worldwide, and all prices displayed include taxes.
🌟🌟🌟 Official website: https://rsme.plus/uy25AJ
🌟🌟🌟 Extra Discount Section: https://rsme.plus/8HCZXZ
⌛️ 01:58 Sydney Evan Pickleball Necklace & Morganite Clam Shell Necklace
➡️ Pickleball-Themed Necklace – Crafted in 18K gold with diamonds, symbolizing vitality and passion. Perfect for sports enthusiasts. The pendant and chain are detachable, allowing for customization and layering. https://rsme.plus/fcsed9
➡️ Morganite Clam Shell Necklace – Made of 18K gold with diamonds, featuring morganite, known as the "Heart Chakra Stone" for attracting wealth and positive energy. Loved by meditation, yoga, and energy healing enthusiasts. A versatile piece that pairs elegantly with professional attire, evening gowns, and casual outfits. https://rsme.plus/YH6JdT
⌛️ 04:21 SAINT LAURENT YSL Sunglasses (Black & Gold)
A statement pair of sunglasses that exudes confidence. Offers 100% UVA and UVB protection, with purple lenses and protection level 3. Flattering for both square and round faces.
⌛️ 05:22 Chloe Bracelet Set (2 Pieces)
Can be worn individually or stacked. Finely crafted with smooth edges for a luxurious feel. A perfect summer vacation accessory.
⌛️ 05:55 Chloe Canvas & Leather Contrast Tote Bag (Medium)
Features thick and structured canvas with calf leather accents. The brown leather bottom allows for an additional strap, making it more practical for carrying heavy loads. The bag maintains its structured shape even when empty, making it a stylish piece for vacation and content creation.
⌛️ 07:05 Toteme Calf Hair Belt
I got the 70cm size. The front features rich calf hair with a glossy, fur-like texture, while the back is made of full leather. The gold-tone buckle adds a touch of elegance. A highly cost-effective belt that works year-round.
⌛️ 08:10 Toteme Calf Hair Handbag
Can be carried by hand, worn on the shoulder, or as a crossbody. The interior is fully leather-lined, offering a subtle yet luxurious feel. This bag complements dresses without overwhelming the silhouette and pairs perfectly with suede jackets and coats. A must-have for any capsule wardrobe.
⌛️ 09:33 SAINT LAURENT YSL Litchi Leather Wallet with Chain (Black & Gold)
Can be styled as a shoulder bag, crossbody, or clutch. Surprisingly spacious. I found that YSL bags pair beautifully with exotic-style dresses, making them perfect for vacations and parties, exuding a classy, Parisian elegance.
⌛️ 10:59 Max Mara Crinkled Wide-Leg Pants (Color: Cacha, Size: XS)
Wrinkle-free with a strong drape. The reinforced center seams make these a great alternative to traditional dress pants, elongating the legs while enhancing the silhouette. Highly breathable with a flattering fit. A perfect choice for elegant and "old money" aesthetics, offering a budget-friendly alternative to Loro Piana.
⌛️ 11:31 Burberry Classic Check Cotton Shirt (Size: XS, Oversized Fit)
A unisex, oversized style. I usually wear it open for a casual look, but it’s also great for keeping warm in air-conditioned spaces or in the car during summer. If you prefer a more fitted style, opt for your regular size. The structured collar and crisp tailoring create a polished look, making this a staple for the "old money" aesthetic.